Highly agile flat swimming robot


私たちは、高い操縦性と繋がれていない自律動作を備えた、高速 (5.1 cm/s の並進と 195 {\deg}/s の回転) のセンチメートルスケールの水泳ロボットを報告します。
ロボットは狭い空間や草が生い茂った植物の間を移動し、体重の 16 倍を超える重さの物体を押します。


Exploring bodies of water on their surface allows robots to efficiently communicate and harvest energy from the sun. On the water surface, however, robots often face highly unstructured environments, cluttered with plant matter, animals, and debris. We report a fast (5.1 cm/s translation and 195 {\deg}/s rotation), centimeter-scale swimming robot with high maneuverability and autonomous untethered operation. Locomotion is enabled by a pair of soft, millimeter-thin, undulating pectoral fins, in which traveling waves are electrically excited to generate propulsion. The robots navigate through narrow spaces, through grassy plants, and push objects weighing over 16x their body weight. Such robots can allow distributed environmental monitoring as well as continuous measurement of plant and water parameters for aqua-farming.


著者 Florian Hartmann,Mrudhula Baskaran,Gaetan Raynaud,Mehdi Benbedda,Karen Mulleners,Herbert Shea
発行日 2024-06-12 09:10:02+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク