FontStudio: Shape-Adaptive Diffusion Model for Coherent and Consistent Font Effect Generation


このタスクは基本的に、従来の長方形のキャンバスではなく、フォント型のキャンバスの範囲内で一貫性のある一貫したビジュアル コンテンツを生成する必要があります。
これを達成するために、高品質の形状適応画像テキスト データセットを厳選し、不規則なキャンバス内で画像生成プロセスを制御するための視覚条件としてセグメンテーション マスクを組み込みます。
当社の FontStudio システムの有効性は、ユーザーの好みの調査によって確認されており、最新の比類のない商用製品である Adob​​e Firefly と比較した場合でも、当社のシステムが顕著に好まれていることが示されています (美観に関して 78% の勝率)。


Recently, the application of modern diffusion-based text-to-image generation models for creating artistic fonts, traditionally the domain of professional designers, has garnered significant interest. Diverging from the majority of existing studies that concentrate on generating artistic typography, our research aims to tackle a novel and more demanding challenge: the generation of text effects for multilingual fonts. This task essentially requires generating coherent and consistent visual content within the confines of a font-shaped canvas, as opposed to a traditional rectangular canvas. To address this task, we introduce a novel shape-adaptive diffusion model capable of interpreting the given shape and strategically planning pixel distributions within the irregular canvas. To achieve this, we curate a high-quality shape-adaptive image-text dataset and incorporate the segmentation mask as a visual condition to steer the image generation process within the irregular-canvas. This approach enables the traditionally rectangle canvas-based diffusion model to produce the desired concepts in accordance with the provided geometric shapes. Second, to maintain consistency across multiple letters, we also present a training-free, shape-adaptive effect transfer method for transferring textures from a generated reference letter to others. The key insights are building a font effect noise prior and propagating the font effect information in a concatenated latent space. The efficacy of our FontStudio system is confirmed through user preference studies, which show a marked preference (78% win-rates on aesthetics) for our system even when compared to the latest unrivaled commercial product, Adobe Firefly.


著者 Xinzhi Mu,Li Chen,Bohan Chen,Shuyang Gu,Jianmin Bao,Dong Chen,Ji Li,Yuhui Yuan
発行日 2024-06-12 16:43:47+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク