DocSynthv2: A Practical Autoregressive Modeling for Document Generation


ドキュメント レイアウトの生成は広く研究されていますが、レイアウトとコンテンツの両方を含む包括的なドキュメントの生成には、より複雑な課題が伴います。
この論文では、この高度な領域を掘り下げ、シンプルかつ効果的な自己回帰構造モデルの開発を通じて、DocSynthv2 と呼ばれる新しいアプローチを提案します。


While the generation of document layouts has been extensively explored, comprehensive document generation encompassing both layout and content presents a more complex challenge. This paper delves into this advanced domain, proposing a novel approach called DocSynthv2 through the development of a simple yet effective autoregressive structured model. Our model, distinct in its integration of both layout and textual cues, marks a step beyond existing layout-generation approaches. By focusing on the relationship between the structural elements and the textual content within documents, we aim to generate cohesive and contextually relevant documents without any reliance on visual components. Through experimental studies on our curated benchmark for the new task, we demonstrate the ability of our model combining layout and textual information in enhancing the generation quality and relevance of documents, opening new pathways for research in document creation and automated design. Our findings emphasize the effectiveness of autoregressive models in handling complex document generation tasks.


著者 Sanket Biswas,Rajiv Jain,Vlad I. Morariu,Jiuxiang Gu,Puneet Mathur,Curtis Wigington,Tong Sun,Josep Lladós
発行日 2024-06-12 16:00:16+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV, cs.LG パーマリンク