Category-level Neural Field for Reconstruction of Partially Observed Objects in Indoor Environment


ニューラル暗黙的表現は、さまざまな成功例を通じて 3D 再構築において注目を集めています。
この問題をより適切に扱うために、シーン内に存在する同じカテゴリに属する​​オブジェクト間で意味のある共通の 3D 情報を学習するカテゴリレベルのニューラル フィールドを導入します。


Neural implicit representation has attracted attention in 3D reconstruction through various success cases. For further applications such as scene understanding or editing, several works have shown progress towards object compositional reconstruction. Despite their superior performance in observed regions, their performance is still limited in reconstructing objects that are partially observed. To better treat this problem, we introduce category-level neural fields that learn meaningful common 3D information among objects belonging to the same category present in the scene. Our key idea is to subcategorize objects based on their observed shape for better training of the category-level model. Then we take advantage of the neural field to conduct the challenging task of registering partially observed objects by selecting and aligning against representative objects selected by ray-based uncertainty. Experiments on both simulation and real-world datasets demonstrate that our method improves the reconstruction of unobserved parts for several categories.


著者 Taekbeom Lee,Youngseok Jang,H. Jin Kim
発行日 2024-06-12 13:09:59+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.RO パーマリンク