PcLast: Discovering Plannable Continuous Latent States


まず、マルチステップ逆ダイナミクスを使用して潜在表現を学習し (気が散る情報を除去するため)、次にこの表現を変換して、到達可能な状態を $\ell_2$ 空間内で関連付けます。
私たちの提案は、さまざまなシミュレーション テストベッドで厳密にテストされています。


Goal-conditioned planning benefits from learned low-dimensional representations of rich observations. While compact latent representations typically learned from variational autoencoders or inverse dynamics enable goal-conditioned decision making, they ignore state reachability, hampering their performance. In this paper, we learn a representation that associates reachable states together for effective planning and goal-conditioned policy learning. We first learn a latent representation with multi-step inverse dynamics (to remove distracting information), and then transform this representation to associate reachable states together in $\ell_2$ space. Our proposals are rigorously tested in various simulation testbeds. Numerical results in reward-based settings show significant improvements in sampling efficiency. Further, in reward-free settings this approach yields layered state abstractions that enable computationally efficient hierarchical planning for reaching ad hoc goals with zero additional samples.


著者 Anurag Koul,Shivakanth Sujit,Shaoru Chen,Ben Evans,Lili Wu,Byron Xu,Rajan Chari,Riashat Islam,Raihan Seraj,Yonathan Efroni,Lekan Molu,Miro Dudik,John Langford,Alex Lamb
発行日 2024-06-11 03:32:58+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG, cs.RO パーマリンク