Task and Motion Planning for Execution in the Real


タスクおよびモーション プランニングは、個別のタスク ドメインに対する推論と連続的なモーション生成を組み合わせた強力なハイブリッド プランニング手法のセットを表します。
従来の推論では、タスク ドメイン モデルと、アクションを動作計画クエリに基づいて実行するための十分な情報が必要です。
提案されたフレームワークを評価し、最先端のフレームワークと比較するために、40 件の実際のロボットのトライアルと動機付けのデモンストレーションが実行されます。


Task and motion planning represents a powerful set of hybrid planning methods that combine reasoning over discrete task domains and continuous motion generation. Traditional reasoning necessitates task domain models and enough information to ground actions to motion planning queries. Gaps in this knowledge often arise from sources like occlusion or imprecise modeling. This work generates task and motion plans that include actions cannot be fully grounded at planning time. During execution, such an action is handled by a provided human-designed or learned closed-loop behavior. Execution combines offline planned motions and online behaviors till reaching the task goal. Failures of behaviors are fed back as constraints to find new plans. Forty real-robot trials and motivating demonstrations are performed to evaluate the proposed framework and compare against state-of-the-art. Results show faster execution time, less number of actions, and more success in problems where diverse gaps arise. The experiment data is shared for researchers to simulate these settings. The work shows promise in expanding the applicable class of realistic partially grounded problems that robots can address.


著者 Tianyang Pan,Rahul Shome,Lydia E. Kavraki
発行日 2024-06-05 22:30:40+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.RO, I.2.8 パーマリンク