Representational Alignment Supports Effective Machine Teaching


生徒との表現的調整が改善されると生徒の学習成果 (つまり、課題の正確さ) が向上するという調査結果に基づいて、効用曲線に基づいて生徒を教師に割り当てる教室マッチング手順を設計します。


A good teacher should not only be knowledgeable; but should be able to communicate in a way that the student understands — to share the student’s representation of the world. In this work, we integrate insights from machine teaching and pragmatic communication with the burgeoning literature on representational alignment to characterize a utility curve defining a relationship between representational alignment and teacher capability for promoting student learning. To explore the characteristics of this utility curve, we design a supervised learning environment that disentangles representational alignment from teacher accuracy. We conduct extensive computational experiments with machines teaching machines, complemented by a series of experiments in which machines teach humans. Drawing on our findings that improved representational alignment with a student improves student learning outcomes (i.e., task accuracy), we design a classroom matching procedure that assigns students to teachers based on the utility curve. If we are to design effective machine teachers, it is not enough to build teachers that are accurate — we want teachers that can align, representationally, to their students too.


著者 Ilia Sucholutsky,Katherine M. Collins,Maya Malaviya,Nori Jacoby,Weiyang Liu,Theodore R. Sumers,Michalis Korakakis,Umang Bhatt,Mark Ho,Joshua B. Tenenbaum,Brad Love,Zachary A. Pardos,Adrian Weller,Thomas L. Griffiths
発行日 2024-06-06 17:48:24+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG パーマリンク