Understanding Grasp Synergies during Reach-to-grasp using an Instrumented Data Glove


このペーパーでは、計測機器を使用して強化され、3D プリント技術を使用して製造されたデータ グローブの設計と実装について説明します。
t-SNE の視覚化では、把握姿勢と力のクラスターが示され、さまざまな GT 間の類似点とパターンが明らかになりました。


Data gloves play a crucial role in study of human grasping, and could provide insights into grasp synergies. Grasp synergies lead to identification of underlying patterns to develop control strategies for hand exoskeletons. This paper presents the design and implementation of a data glove that has been enhanced with instrumentation and fabricated using 3D printing technology. The glove utilizes flexible sensors for the fingers and force sensors integrated into the glove at the fingertips to accurately capture grasp postures and forces. Understanding the kinematics and dynamics of human grasp including reach-to-grasp is undertaken. A comprehensive study involving 10 healthy subjects was conducted. Grasp synergy analysis is carried out to identify underlying patterns for robotic grasping. The t-SNE visualization showcased clusters of grasp postures and forces, unveiling similarities and patterns among different GTs. These findings could serve as a comprehensive guide in design and control of tendon-driven soft hand exoskeletons for rehabilitation applications, enabling the replication of natural hand movements and grasp forces.


著者 Subhash Pratap,Yoshiyuki Hatta,Kazuaki Ito,Shyamanta M. Hazarika
発行日 2024-05-29 18:10:52+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク