A Two-Level Stochastic Model for the Lateral Movement of Vehicles Within Their Lane Under Homogeneous Traffic Conditions


この論文では、均質な交通状況下での道路追従操作中の車線内の車両の横方向の動きをモデル化するための 2 レベルの確率論的アプローチを紹介します。
マルコフ モデルは、粗い横方向オフセット プロファイルを生成します。
モデルの評価では、有望な定性的および定量的な結果、機能強化の可能性、および極度に低い計算時間 (リアルタイムより 10,000 倍高速) が示されています。


The lateral position of vehicles within their lane is a decisive factor for the range of vision of vehicle sensors. This, in turn, is crucial for a vehicle’s ability to perceive its environment and gain a high situational awareness by processing the collected information. When aiming for increasing levels of vehicle autonomy, this situational awareness becomes more and more important. Thus, when validating an autonomous driving function the representativeness of the submicroscopic behavior such as the lateral offset has to be ensured. With simulations being an essential part of the validation of autonomous driving functions, models describing these phenomena are required. Possible applications are the enhancement of microscopic traffic simulations and the maneuver-based approach for scenario-based testing. This paper presents a two-level stochastic approach to model the lateral movement of vehicles within their lane during road-following maneuvers under homogeneous traffic conditions. A Markov model generates the coarse lateral offset profile. It is superposed with a noise model for the fine movements. Both models are set up using real-world data. The evaluation of the model shows promising qualitative and quantitative results, the potential for enhancements and extreme low computation times (10000 times faster than real time).


著者 Nicole Neis,Juergen Beyerer
発行日 2024-05-27 11:53:47+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク