Ship in Sight: Diffusion Models for Ship-Image Super Resolution


特に、超解像度画像の生成中に船舶の重要な詳細を最適に保存するために、クラスを認識しながらトレーニング中にテキスト コンディショニングを活用する拡散モデル ベースのアーキテクチャを紹介します。
このタスクの特殊性と既製データの入手可能性の不足のため、オンラインの船舶画像 (主に ShipSpotting\footnote{\url{}}) の Web サイトから収集した大規模なラベル付き船舶データセットも紹介します。
コードは から入手できます。


In recent years, remarkable advancements have been achieved in the field of image generation, primarily driven by the escalating demand for high-quality outcomes across various image generation subtasks, such as inpainting, denoising, and super resolution. A major effort is devoted to exploring the application of super-resolution techniques to enhance the quality of low-resolution images. In this context, our method explores in depth the problem of ship image super resolution, which is crucial for coastal and port surveillance. We investigate the opportunity given by the growing interest in text-to-image diffusion models, taking advantage of the prior knowledge that such foundation models have already learned. In particular, we present a diffusion-model-based architecture that leverages text conditioning during training while being class-aware, to best preserve the crucial details of the ships during the generation of the super-resoluted image. Since the specificity of this task and the scarcity availability of off-the-shelf data, we also introduce a large labeled ship dataset scraped from online ship images, mostly from ShipSpotting\footnote{\url{}} website. Our method achieves more robust results than other deep learning models previously employed for super resolution, as proven by the multiple experiments performed. Moreover, we investigate how this model can benefit downstream tasks, such as classification and object detection, thus emphasizing practical implementation in a real-world scenario. Experimental results show flexibility, reliability, and impressive performance of the proposed framework over state-of-the-art methods for different tasks. The code is available at: .


著者 Luigi Sigillo,Riccardo Fosco Gramaccioni,Alessandro Nicolosi,Danilo Comminiello
発行日 2024-05-21 16:45:05+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.LG パーマリンク