Multi-Robot Rendezvous in Unknown Environment with Limited Communication


ランデブーの目的は、すべてのロボットを特定の場所に集めることであり、これはマルチロボット システムにとって重要な共同動作です。
このタスクを 2 つのステップに分割します。相対姿勢 (RP) 推定によるランデブー ベースの環境探索とランデブー ポイントの選択です。
未知の環境を効率的に探索するために、Partitioned and Incomplete Exploration for Rendezvous (PIER) と呼ばれる新しい戦略が提案されています。この戦略では、非常に少ない通信で RP 推定のために軽量のトポロジー マップが構築され、ロボット間で共有されます。


Rendezvous aims at gathering all robots at a specific location, which is an important collaborative behavior for multirobot systems. However, in an unknown environment, it is challenging to achieve rendezvous. Previous researches mainly focus on special scenarios where communication is not allowed and each robot executes a random searching strategy, which is highly time-consuming, especially in large-scale environments. In this work, we focus on rendezvous in unknown environments where communication is available. We divide this task into two steps: rendezvous based environment exploration with relative pose (RP) estimation and rendezvous point election. A new strategy called partitioned and incomplete exploration for rendezvous (PIER) is proposed to efficiently explore the unknown environment, where lightweight topological maps are constructed and shared among robots for RP estimation with very few communications. Then, a rendezvous point selection algorithm based on the merged topological map is proposed for efficient rendezvous for multi-robot systems. The effectiveness of the proposed methods is validated in both simulations and real-world experiments.


著者 Kun Song,Gaoming Chen,Wenhang Liu,Zhenhua Xiong
発行日 2024-05-14 06:33:56+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク