Data-driven Force Observer for Human-Robot Interaction with Series Elastic Actuators using Gaussian Processes


この研究では、ガウス過程 (GP) 回帰を使用して未知のダイナミクス成分を学習することで、この問題を克服しました。
ベイジアン フィルタリング フレームワークで学習したモデルを使用することにより、推定精度が向上し、さらに状態推定の信頼度においてローカル モデルの不確実性を明示的に考慮するオブザーバーが得られます。


Ensuring safety and adapting to the user’s behavior are of paramount importance in physical human-robot interaction. Thus, incorporating elastic actuators in the robot’s mechanical design has become popular, since it offers intrinsic compliance and additionally provide a coarse estimate for the interaction force by measuring the deformation of the elastic components. While observer-based methods have been shown to improve these estimates, they rely on accurate models of the system, which are challenging to obtain in complex operating environments. In this work, we overcome this issue by learning the unknown dynamics components using Gaussian process (GP) regression. By employing the learned model in a Bayesian filtering framework, we improve the estimation accuracy and additionally obtain an observer that explicitly considers local model uncertainty in the confidence measure of the state estimate. Furthermore, we derive guaranteed estimation error bounds, thus, facilitating the use in safety-critical applications. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach experimentally in a human-exoskeleton interaction scenario.


著者 Samuel Tesfazgi,Markus Keßler,Emilio Trigili,Armin Lederer,Sandra Hirche
発行日 2024-05-14 15:51:52+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, cs.RO, cs.SY, eess.SY パーマリンク