Computational analysis of the language of pain: a systematic review


目的: この研究は、患者または医師によって生成された痛みの言語または痛みのナラティブの計算処理に関する文献を系統的にレビューし、現在の傾向と課題を特定することを目的としています。
方法: PRISMA ガイドラインに従って、痛みの言語の計算処理に関する関連研究を選択し、事前に定義された研究上の質問に答えるために、包括的な文献検索が実施されました。
結果: 医師が作成した、特に臨床記録からの痛みの言語が最も使用されたデータでした。
実験設定に痛みの発話に関する以前の言語知識が含まれていた研究は 1 件だけでした。
提案されたアルゴリズムを組み込むことで医師の臨床業務のパフォーマンスがどのように向上したかを測定した研究は 1 件だけでした。


Objectives: This study aims to systematically review the literature on the computational processing of the language of pain, or pain narratives, whether generated by patients or physicians, identifying current trends and challenges. Methods: Following the PRISMA guidelines, a comprehensive literature search was conducted to select relevant studies on the computational processing of the language of pain and answer pre-defined research questions. Data extraction and synthesis were performed to categorize selected studies according to their primary purpose and outcome, patient and pain population, textual data, computational methodology, and outcome targets. Results: Physician-generated language of pain, specifically from clinical notes, was the most used data. Tasks included patient diagnosis and triaging, identification of pain mentions, treatment response prediction, biomedical entity extraction, correlation of linguistic features with clinical states, and lexico-semantic analysis of pain narratives. Only one study included previous linguistic knowledge on pain utterances in their experimental setup. Most studies targeted their outcomes for physicians, either directly as clinical tools or as indirect knowledge. The least targeted stage of clinical pain care was self-management, in which patients are most involved. Affective and sociocultural dimensions were the least studied domains. Only one study measured how physician performance on clinical tasks improved with the inclusion of the proposed algorithm. Discussion: This review found that future research should focus on analyzing patient-generated language of pain, developing patient-centered resources for self-management and patient-empowerment, exploring affective and sociocultural aspects of pain, and measuring improvements in physician performance when aided by the proposed tools.


著者 Diogo A. P. Nunes,Joana Ferreira-Gomes,Fani Neto,David Martins de Matos
発行日 2024-05-10 14:31:53+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: A.1, cs.CL パーマリンク