Enhancing Suicide Risk Detection on Social Media through Semi-Supervised Deep Label Smoothing


ソーシャルメディアの普及により、人々は自分の気持ちを表現したりサポートを求めたりするために Reddit などのオンライン フォーラムに目を向けるようになりました。
テキスト分類を使用してソーシャル メディアの投稿を分類すると、人々を専門家の助けにつなげることができます。
したがって、メンタルヘルスに関わる深層学習の問題を定式化する場合、ハードなバイナリ ラベルを使用しても、データの本当の性質を正確に表すことはできません。
5 つのラベルのマルチクラス分類問題でアプローチをテストします。
既存の研究では Reddit C-SSRS データセットの精度が 43\% であると報告されていますが、実証実験を使用して新しいラベル平滑化手法を評価すると、この既存のベンチマークを 52\% に改善します。


Suicide is a prominent issue in society. Unfortunately, many people at risk for suicide do not receive the support required. Barriers to people receiving support include social stigma and lack of access to mental health care. With the popularity of social media, people have turned to online forums, such as Reddit to express their feelings and seek support. This provides the opportunity to support people with the aid of artificial intelligence. Social media posts can be classified, using text classification, to help connect people with professional help. However, these systems fail to account for the inherent uncertainty in classifying mental health conditions. Unlike other areas of healthcare, mental health conditions have no objective measurements of disease often relying on expert opinion. Thus when formulating deep learning problems involving mental health, using hard, binary labels does not accurately represent the true nature of the data. In these settings, where human experts may disagree, fuzzy or soft labels may be more appropriate. The current work introduces a novel label smoothing method which we use to capture any uncertainty within the data. We test our approach on a five-label multi-class classification problem. We show, our semi-supervised deep label smoothing method improves classification accuracy above the existing state of the art. Where existing research reports an accuracy of 43\% on the Reddit C-SSRS dataset, using empirical experiments to evaluate our novel label smoothing method, we improve upon this existing benchmark to 52\%. These improvements in model performance have the potential to better support those experiencing mental distress. Future work should explore the use of probabilistic methods in both natural language processing and quantifying contributions of both epistemic and aleatoric uncertainty in noisy datasets.


著者 Matthew Squires,Xiaohui Tao,Soman Elangovan,U Rajendra Acharya,Raj Gururajan,Haoran Xie,Xujuan Zhou
発行日 2024-05-09 14:25:25+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG パーマリンク