Materials Discovery with Extreme Properties via Reinforcement Learning-Guided Combinatorial Chemistry


7 つの極端なターゲット特性に一致する分子を発見することを目的とした実験では、私たちのモデルは 100,000 回の試行のうち、ターゲットにヒットするすべての分子のうち 1,315 個と、ターゲットにヒットする 5 つの分子のうち 7,629 個を発見しましたが、確率分布学習モデルは失敗しました。
さらに、分子断片の結合規則に従って生成されたすべての分子は、化学的に 100% 有効であることが確認されています。
実際の問題でのパフォーマンスを説明するために、タンパク質ドッキング分子と HIV 阻害剤の発見という 2 つの実際的なアプリケーションでもモデルがうまく機能することを実証します。


The goal of most materials discovery is to discover materials that are superior to those currently known. Fundamentally, this is close to extrapolation, which is a weak point for most machine learning models that learn the probability distribution of data. Herein, we develop reinforcement learning-guided combinatorial chemistry, which is a rule-based molecular designer driven by trained policy for selecting subsequent molecular fragments to get a target molecule. Since our model has the potential to generate all possible molecular structures that can be obtained from combinations of molecular fragments, unknown molecules with superior properties can be discovered. We theoretically and empirically demonstrate that our model is more suitable for discovering better compounds than probability distribution-learning models. In an experiment aimed at discovering molecules that hit seven extreme target properties, our model discovered 1,315 of all target-hitting molecules and 7,629 of five target-hitting molecules out of 100,000 trials, whereas the probability distribution-learning models failed. Moreover, it has been confirmed that every molecule generated under the binding rules of molecular fragments is 100% chemically valid. To illustrate the performance in actual problems, we also demonstrate that our models work well on two practical applications: discovering protein docking molecules and HIV inhibitors.


著者 Hyunseung Kim,Haeyeon Choi,Dongju Kang,Won Bo Lee,Jonggeol Na
発行日 2024-05-07 15:07:34+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, q-bio.BM パーマリンク