Radar-Based Localization For Autonomous Ground Vehicles In Suburban Neighborhoods


郊外地域やその他の人間中心の環境に配備された自律型地上車両 (AGV) にとって、位置特定の問題は依然として根本的な課題です。
GPS は常に利用できるわけではなく、単独では十分な精度が得られないことが多く、視覚的な方法では天候やその他の要因による外観の変化に対処するのが難しく、ライダーによる方法ではシーンの形状があいまいなために欠陥のあるソリューションが発生する傾向があります。


For autonomous ground vehicles (AGVs) deployed in suburban neighborhoods and other human-centric environments the problem of localization remains a fundamental challenge. There are well established methods for localization with GPS, lidar, and cameras. But even in ideal conditions these have limitations. GPS is not always available and is often not accurate enough on its own, visual methods have difficulty coping with appearance changes due to weather and other factors, and lidar methods are prone to defective solutions due to ambiguous scene geometry. Radar on the other hand is not highly susceptible to these problems, owing in part to its longer range. Further, radar is also robust to challenging conditions that interfere with vision and lidar including fog, smoke, rain, and darkness. We present a radar-based localization system that includes a novel method for highly-accurate radar odometry for smooth, high-frequency relative pose estimation and a novel method for radar-based place recognition and relocalization. We present experiments demonstrating our methods’ accuracy and reliability, which are comparable with \new{other methods’ published results for radar localization and we find outperform a similar method as ours applied to lidar measurements}. Further, we show our methods are lightweight enough to run on common low-power embedded hardware with ample headroom for other autonomy functions.


著者 Andrew J. Kramer,Christoffer Heckman
発行日 2024-05-01 16:13:09+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク