Risk-aware Meta-level Decision Making for Exploration Under Uncertainty


メタレベルの意思決定は、確率的環境で報酬を最大化する可能性が最も高いポリシーを選択するという全体的な目的を持って、ローカル ポリシーとグローバル ポリシーを切り替えることにより、従来の階層型補償プランナーに基づいて構築されます。
環境履歴、通過可能性リスク、および運動力学的制約に関する情報を使用して、ローカル ポリシーとグローバル ポリシーを切り替えるポリシー実行が成功する確率を推論します。
私たちは、シミュレーションとさまざまな大規模な現実世界のハードウェア テストの両方でソリューションを検証しました。


Robotic exploration of unknown environments is fundamentally a problem of decision making under uncertainty where the robot must account for uncertainty in sensor measurements, localization, action execution, as well as many other factors. For large-scale exploration applications, autonomous systems must overcome the challenges of sequentially deciding which areas of the environment are valuable to explore while safely evaluating the risks associated with obstacles and hazardous terrain. In this work, we propose a risk-aware meta-level decision making framework to balance the tradeoffs associated with local and global exploration. Meta-level decision making builds upon classical hierarchical coverage planners by switching between local and global policies with the overall objective of selecting the policy that is most likely to maximize reward in a stochastic environment. We use information about the environment history, traversability risk, and kinodynamic constraints to reason about the probability of successful policy execution to switch between local and global policies. We have validated our solution in both simulation and on a variety of large-scale real world hardware tests. Our results show that by balancing local and global exploration we are able to significantly explore large-scale environments more efficiently.


著者 Joshua Ott,Sung-Kyun Kim,Amanda Bouman,Oriana Peltzer,Mamoru Sobue,Harrison Delecki,Mykel J. Kochenderfer,Joel Burdick,Ali-akbar Agha-mohammadi
発行日 2024-04-30 15:38:46+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.RO パーマリンク