Conditional validity of heteroskedastic conformal regression


最近の研究では、限界カバレッジ、つまり、事前定義されたカバレッジ レベルのグランド トゥルースを含む平均予測間隔でメソッドが生成するキャリブレーション データセットに焦点を当てた場合、分割コンフォーマル予測が最先端の予測間隔を生成できることが示されています。
特に、選択された共形予測子の条件付き妥当性が、データ生成分布に関する (暗黙の) 仮定にど​​のように関連付けられるかを示します。


Conformal prediction, and split conformal prediction as a specific implementation, offer a distribution-free approach to estimating prediction intervals with statistical guarantees. Recent work has shown that split conformal prediction can produce state-of-the-art prediction intervals when focusing on marginal coverage, i.e. on a calibration dataset the method produces on average prediction intervals that contain the ground truth with a predefined coverage level. However, such intervals are often not adaptive, which can be problematic for regression problems with heteroskedastic noise. This paper tries to shed new light on how prediction intervals can be constructed, using methods such as normalized and Mondrian conformal prediction, in such a way that they adapt to the heteroskedasticity of the underlying process. Theoretical and experimental results are presented in which these methods are compared in a systematic way. In particular, it is shown how the conditional validity of a chosen conformal predictor can be related to (implicit) assumptions about the data-generating distribution.


著者 Nicolas Dewolf,Bernard De Baets,Willem Waegeman
発行日 2024-04-30 15:29:45+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, stat.ML パーマリンク