Evolving Scientific Discovery by Unifying Data and Background Knowledge with AI Hilbert


私たちは、バイナリ変数と論理制約を使用して最小限の複雑さの概念をモデル化し、混合整数線形最適化または半定値最適化によって多項式最適化問題を解決し、Positivstellensatz 証明書を使用して原則に基づいた方法で科学的発見の妥当性を証明します。
この論文で活用した最適化手法により、導出の複雑さが制限されているという仮定の下で完全に正しい背景理論を使用してアプローチを多項式時間で実行することも、部分的に正しい背景理論を使用して非決定的多項式 (NP) 時間で実行することもできます。
私たちは、ケプラーの惑星運動の第 3 法則、ハーゲン・ポアズイユ方程式、放射重力波力方程式などのいくつかの有名な科学法則が、公理と実験データから原理的な方法で導出できることを実証します。


The discovery of scientific formulae that parsimoniously explain natural phenomena and align with existing background theory is a key goal in science. Historically, scientists have derived natural laws by manipulating equations based on existing knowledge, forming new equations, and verifying them experimentally. In recent years, data-driven scientific discovery has emerged as a viable competitor in settings with large amounts of experimental data. Unfortunately, data-driven methods often fail to discover valid laws when data is noisy or scarce. Accordingly, recent works combine regression and reasoning to eliminate formulae inconsistent with background theory. However, the problem of searching over the space of formulae consistent with background theory to find one that best fits the data is not well-solved. We propose a solution to this problem when all axioms and scientific laws are expressible via polynomial equalities and inequalities and argue that our approach is widely applicable. We model notions of minimal complexity using binary variables and logical constraints, solve polynomial optimization problems via mixed-integer linear or semidefinite optimization, and prove the validity of our scientific discoveries in a principled manner using Positivstellensatz certificates. The optimization techniques leveraged in this paper allow our approach to run in polynomial time with fully correct background theory under an assumption that the complexity of our derivation is bounded), or non-deterministic polynomial (NP) time with partially correct background theory. We demonstrate that some famous scientific laws, including Kepler’s Third Law of Planetary Motion, the Hagen-Poiseuille Equation, and the Radiated Gravitational Wave Power equation, can be derived in a principled manner from axioms and experimental data.


著者 Ryan Cory-Wright,Cristina Cornelio,Sanjeeb Dash,Bachir El Khadir,Lior Horesh
発行日 2024-04-29 13:46:56+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.SC, math.OC パーマリンク