A supplemental investigation of non-linearity in quantum generative models with respect to simulatability and optimization


この研究のフォローアップとして、量子アルゴリズムと機械学習コミュニティに関連する 2 つの疑問を調査します。この形式の非線形性を導入すると、遅延測定原理により学習モデルが古典的にシミュレーション可能になるでしょうか?
最初の質問に関して、RUS サブルーチンではこの量子モデルを古典的な量子モデルに自明にマッピングすることはできないが、中間回路の測定値を含む RUS サブ回路のないモデルは古典的なベイジアンにマッピングできることを示します。
2 番目の質問を追求するために、3 つの異なる確率分布 (1 つは連続、2 つは離散) で以前に示したものよりも大規模なモデルをトレーニングし、複数のランダム試行にわたるトレーニングのパフォーマンスを比較します。


Recent work has demonstrated the utility of introducing non-linearity through repeat-until-success (RUS) sub-routines into quantum circuits for generative modeling. As a follow-up to this work, we investigate two questions of relevance to the quantum algorithms and machine learning communities: Does introducing this form of non-linearity make the learning model classically simulatable due to the deferred measurement principle? And does introducing this form of non-linearity make the overall model’s training more unstable? With respect to the first question, we demonstrate that the RUS sub-routines do not allow us to trivially map this quantum model to a classical one, whereas a model without RUS sub-circuits containing mid-circuit measurements could be mapped to a classical Bayesian network due to the deferred measurement principle of quantum mechanics. This strongly suggests that the proposed form of non-linearity makes the model classically in-efficient to simulate. In the pursuit of the second question, we train larger models than previously shown on three different probability distributions, one continuous and two discrete, and compare the training performance across multiple random trials. We see that while the model is able to perform exceptionally well in some trials, the variance across trials with certain datasets quantifies its relatively poor training stability.


著者 Kaitlin Gili,Rohan S. Kumar,Mykolas Sveistrys,C. J. Ballance
発行日 2024-04-29 15:55:19+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, cs.NE, quant-ph パーマリンク