Private Optimal Inventory Policy Learning for Feature-based Newsvendor with Unknown Demand


小売、サプライ チェーン、電子商取引、ヘルスケアなどのさまざまなセクターにわたるデータの急増により、ニュースベンダーの機能に関するデータドリブンの問題が最近重要な研究分野として浮上しています。
この論文では、いくつかの魅力的な特性を備えた古典的な $(\epsilon, \delta)$-差分プライバシーの拡張である f-差分プライバシー フレームワーク内でプライバシーを保護する最適なインベントリ ポリシーを推定するための新しいアプローチを紹介します。
私たちは、次の 3 つの主要な課題に同時に対処するために、最適な在庫推定のための畳み込み平滑化に基づくクリップされたノイズを含む勾配降下法アルゴリズムを開発します。(1) 未知の需要分布と非滑らかな損失関数。
(2) 個人レベルのデータに対する証明可能なプライバシー保証。
(3) 望ましい統計的精度。


The data-driven newsvendor problem with features has recently emerged as a significant area of research, driven by the proliferation of data across various sectors such as retail, supply chains, e-commerce, and healthcare. Given the sensitive nature of customer or organizational data often used in feature-based analysis, it is crucial to ensure individual privacy to uphold trust and confidence. Despite its importance, privacy preservation in the context of inventory planning remains unexplored. A key challenge is the nonsmoothness of the newsvendor loss function, which sets it apart from existing work on privacy-preserving algorithms in other settings. This paper introduces a novel approach to estimate a privacy-preserving optimal inventory policy within the f-differential privacy framework, an extension of the classical $(\epsilon, \delta)$-differential privacy with several appealing properties. We develop a clipped noisy gradient descent algorithm based on convolution smoothing for optimal inventory estimation to simultaneously address three main challenges: (1) unknown demand distribution and nonsmooth loss function; (2) provable privacy guarantees for individual-level data; and (3) desirable statistical precision. We derive finite-sample high-probability bounds for optimal policy parameter estimation and regret analysis. By leveraging the structure of the newsvendor problem, we attain a faster excess population risk bound compared to that obtained from an indiscriminate application of existing results for general nonsmooth convex loss. Our bound aligns with that for strongly convex and smooth loss function. Our numerical experiments demonstrate that the proposed new method can achieve desirable privacy protection with a marginal increase in cost.


著者 Tuoyi Zhao,Wen-xin Zhou,Lan Wang
発行日 2024-04-23 19:15:43+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, stat.ML パーマリンク