A mean curvature flow arising in adversarial training


敵対的トレーニングを正則化問題として再構築する観点に基づいて、非局所境界関数の最小化運動スキームを構成する修正トレーニング スキームを導入します。


We connect adversarial training for binary classification to a geometric evolution equation for the decision boundary. Relying on a perspective that recasts adversarial training as a regularization problem, we introduce a modified training scheme that constitutes a minimizing movements scheme for a nonlocal perimeter functional. We prove that the scheme is monotone and consistent as the adversarial budget vanishes and the perimeter localizes, and as a consequence we rigorously show that the scheme approximates a weighted mean curvature flow. This highlights that the efficacy of adversarial training may be due to locally minimizing the length of the decision boundary. In our analysis, we introduce a variety of tools for working with the subdifferential of a supremal-type nonlocal total variation and its regularity properties.


著者 Leon Bungert,Tim Laux,Kerrek Stinson
発行日 2024-04-22 17:58:36+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: 28A75, 35D40, 49J45, 53E10, 68T05, cs.LG, math.AP パーマリンク