Enhancing Counterfactual Explanation Search with Diffusion Distance and Directional Coherence


AI モデルの導入における差し迫った問題は、予測についてより人間中心の説明を求める需要が高まっていることです。
この研究では、人間の認知に関する洞察に触発され、効果的な反事実説明の探索を強化するために 2 つの新しいバイアスを組み込むことを提案し、テストします。
この用語を使用すると、一度に 1 つの特徴を変更することでモデルの結果がどのように変化するかという予想に基づいた、一連の限界予測と一致する反事実的な説明を生成できます。
Coherent Directional Counterfactual Explainer (CoDiCE) と呼ばれる私たちの手法と、DiCE、FACE、Prototypes、Growing Spheres などの既存の手法に対する 2 つの新しいバイアスの影響を評価します。


A pressing issue in the adoption of AI models is the increasing demand for more human-centric explanations of their predictions. To advance towards more human-centric explanations, understanding how humans produce and select explanations has been beneficial. In this work, inspired by insights of human cognition we propose and test the incorporation of two novel biases to enhance the search for effective counterfactual explanations. Central to our methodology is the application of diffusion distance, which emphasizes data connectivity and actionability in the search for feasible counterfactual explanations. In particular, diffusion distance effectively weights more those points that are more interconnected by numerous short-length paths. This approach brings closely connected points nearer to each other, identifying a feasible path between them. We also introduce a directional coherence term that allows the expression of a preference for the alignment between the joint and marginal directional changes in feature space to reach a counterfactual. This term enables the generation of counterfactual explanations that align with a set of marginal predictions based on expectations of how the outcome of the model varies by changing one feature at a time. We evaluate our method, named Coherent Directional Counterfactual Explainer (CoDiCE), and the impact of the two novel biases against existing methods such as DiCE, FACE, Prototypes, and Growing Spheres. Through a series of ablation experiments on both synthetic and real datasets with continuous and mixed-type features, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.


著者 Marharyta Domnich,Raul Vicente
発行日 2024-04-19 11:47:17+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG パーマリンク