Exploring Boundaries and Intensities in Offensive and Hate Speech: Unveiling the Complex Spectrum of Social Media Discourse


デジタル メディアの普及と社会政治力学の進化により、憎悪に満ちたコンテンツの拡散が大幅に拡大しました。
この研究では、カテゴリ分類、ヘイト対象の特定、攻撃性とヘイトの強度の評価という 3 つの異なるタスクについて注釈が付けられた 8,258 件のツイートで構成される、アムハラ語の広範なベンチマーク データセットを紹介します。
Afro-XLMR-large モデルは最高のパフォーマンスを示し、カテゴリ、ターゲット、回帰タスクでそれぞれ 75.30%、70.59%、29.42% の F1 スコアを達成しました。
Afro-XLMR-large モデルの 80.22% の相関係数は、強い一致を示しています。


The prevalence of digital media and evolving sociopolitical dynamics have significantly amplified the dissemination of hateful content. Existing studies mainly focus on classifying texts into binary categories, often overlooking the continuous spectrum of offensiveness and hatefulness inherent in the text. In this research, we present an extensive benchmark dataset for Amharic, comprising 8,258 tweets annotated for three distinct tasks: category classification, identification of hate targets, and rating offensiveness and hatefulness intensities. Our study highlights that a considerable majority of tweets belong to the less offensive and less hate intensity levels, underscoring the need for early interventions by stakeholders. The prevalence of ethnic and political hatred targets, with significant overlaps in our dataset, emphasizes the complex relationships within Ethiopia’s sociopolitical landscape. We build classification and regression models and investigate the efficacy of models in handling these tasks. Our results reveal that hate and offensive speech can not be addressed by a simplistic binary classification, instead manifesting as variables across a continuous range of values. The Afro-XLMR-large model exhibits the best performances achieving F1-scores of 75.30%, 70.59%, and 29.42% for the category, target, and regression tasks, respectively. The 80.22% correlation coefficient of the Afro-XLMR-large model indicates strong alignments.


著者 Abinew Ali Ayele,Esubalew Alemneh Jalew,Adem Chanie Ali,Seid Muhie Yimam,Chris Biemann
発行日 2024-04-18 09:52:50+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク