If there’s a Trigger Warning, then where’s the Trigger? Investigating Trigger Warnings at the Passage Level


4,135 個の英語の文章のデータセットを作成し、それぞれに 8 つの一般的なトリガー警告のいずれかが注釈付けされています。
トリガーのアノテーションは NLP における主観的なアノテーション タスクのグループに属し、トリガーの自動分類は依然として困難ではあるが実現可能であることがわかりました。


Trigger warnings are labels that preface documents with sensitive content if this content could be perceived as harmful by certain groups of readers. Since warnings about a document intuitively need to be shown before reading it, authors usually assign trigger warnings at the document level. What parts of their writing prompted them to assign a warning, however, remains unclear. We investigate for the first time the feasibility of identifying the triggering passages of a document, both manually and computationally. We create a dataset of 4,135 English passages, each annotated with one of eight common trigger warnings. In a large-scale evaluation, we then systematically evaluate the effectiveness of fine-tuned and few-shot classifiers, and their generalizability. We find that trigger annotation belongs to the group of subjective annotation tasks in NLP, and that automatic trigger classification remains challenging but feasible.


著者 Matti Wiegmann,Jennifer Rakete,Magdalena Wolska,Benno Stein,Martin Potthast
発行日 2024-04-15 09:37:52+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL, cs.CY パーマリンク