An Overview of Diffusion Models: Applications, Guided Generation, Statistical Rates and Optimization


強力かつ普遍的な生成 AI テクノロジーである拡散モデルは、コンピューター ビジョン、オーディオ、強化学習、計算生物学において多大な成功を収めています。
これらのアプリケーションでは、拡散モデルは柔軟な高次元データ モデリングを提供し、タスクに必要な特性に向けたアクティブなガイダンスの下で新しいサンプルを生成するサンプラーとして機能します。


Diffusion models, a powerful and universal generative AI technology, have achieved tremendous success in computer vision, audio, reinforcement learning, and computational biology. In these applications, diffusion models provide flexible high-dimensional data modeling, and act as a sampler for generating new samples under active guidance towards task-desired properties. Despite the significant empirical success, theory of diffusion models is very limited, potentially slowing down principled methodological innovations for further harnessing and improving diffusion models. In this paper, we review emerging applications of diffusion models, understanding their sample generation under various controls. Next, we overview the existing theories of diffusion models, covering their statistical properties and sampling capabilities. We adopt a progressive routine, beginning with unconditional diffusion models and connecting to conditional counterparts. Further, we review a new avenue in high-dimensional structured optimization through conditional diffusion models, where searching for solutions is reformulated as a conditional sampling problem and solved by diffusion models. Lastly, we discuss future directions about diffusion models. The purpose of this paper is to provide a well-rounded theoretical exposure for stimulating forward-looking theories and methods of diffusion models.


著者 Minshuo Chen,Song Mei,Jianqing Fan,Mengdi Wang
発行日 2024-04-11 14:07:25+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, math.ST, stat.ML, stat.TH パーマリンク