Towards Human-Centered Construction Robotics: An RL-Driven Companion Robot For Contextually Assisting Carpentry Workers


私たちは、大工の型枠へのロボット システムの導入に関する詳細な研究を実施し、コンテキスト強化学習 (RL) 駆動のモジュラー フレームワークを通じて、動的な環境での可動性、安全性、快適な作業員とロボットのコラボレーションを強調するプロトタイプを紹介します。


In the dynamic construction industry, traditional robotic integration has primarily focused on automating specific tasks, often overlooking the complexity and variability of human aspects in construction workflows. This paper introduces a human-centered approach with a ‘work companion rover’ designed to assist construction workers within their existing practices, aiming to enhance safety and workflow fluency while respecting construction labor’s skilled nature. We conduct an in-depth study on deploying a robotic system in carpentry formwork, showcasing a prototype that emphasizes mobility, safety, and comfortable worker-robot collaboration in dynamic environments through a contextual Reinforcement Learning (RL)-driven modular framework. Our research advances robotic applications in construction, advocating for collaborative models where adaptive robots support rather than replace humans, underscoring the potential for an interactive and collaborative human-robot workforce.


著者 Yuning Wu,Jiaying Wei,Jean Oh,Daniel Cardoso Llach
発行日 2024-03-29 00:25:03+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.HC, cs.LG, cs.RO パーマリンク