Situation Awareness for Driver-Centric Driving Style Adaptation


ただし、現在の運転スタイル モデルには運転環境情報が部分的にしか組み込まれておらず、エージェントと特定の状況との調整が制限されています。
対照的に、さまざまなデータ ソースで教師付きおよび教師なしで事前トレーニングされた特徴エンコーダーは、より特定の状況クラスターを生成し、これを利用して、特定の状況に対する運転スタイルの適応を制約および制御できます。
さらに、運転スタイルの適応が繰り返し行われる現実の環境では、MLP ベースの行動予測器は最初は良好なパフォーマンスを達成しますが、壊滅的な忘却に悩まされることがわかりました。
対照的に、状況依存統計に基づく行動予測子は、設計により連続データ ストリームから反復的に学習できます。
このデータセットは、 で公開されています。


There is evidence that the driving style of an autonomous vehicle is important to increase the acceptance and trust of the passengers. The driving situation has been found to have a significant influence on human driving behavior. However, current driving style models only partially incorporate driving environment information, limiting the alignment between an agent and the given situation. Therefore, we propose a situation-aware driving style model based on different visual feature encoders pretrained on fleet data, as well as driving behavior predictors, which are adapted to the driving style of a specific driver. Our experiments show that the proposed method outperforms static driving styles significantly and forms plausible situation clusters. Furthermore, we found that feature encoders pretrained on our dataset lead to more precise driving behavior modeling. In contrast, feature encoders pretrained supervised and unsupervised on different data sources lead to more specific situation clusters, which can be utilized to constrain and control the driving style adaptation for specific situations. Moreover, in a real-world setting, where driving style adaptation is happening iteratively, we found the MLP-based behavior predictors achieve good performance initially but suffer from catastrophic forgetting. In contrast, behavior predictors based on situationdependent statistics can learn iteratively from continuous data streams by design. Overall, our experiments show that important information for driving behavior prediction is contained within the visual feature encoder. The dataset is publicly available at


著者 Johann Haselberger,Bonifaz Stuhr,Bernhard Schick,Steffen Müller
発行日 2024-03-28 17:19:16+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV, cs.SY, eess.SY パーマリンク