GANTASTIC: GAN-based Transfer of Interpretable Directions for Disentangled Image Editing in Text-to-Image Diffusion Models


画像生成モデルの急速な進歩は主に拡散モデルによって推進されており、テキスト プロンプトから高忠実度で多様な画像を生成することに比類のない成功を収めています。
対照的に、敵対的生成ネットワーク (GAN) は、解釈可能な潜在空間を通じてもつれを解く編集に成功したことで知られています。
特定の制御可能な属性を表す事前トレーニング済み GAN モデルから既存の指示を取得し、これらの指示を拡散ベースのモデルに転送する新しいフレームワークである GANTASTIC を紹介します。


The rapid advancement in image generation models has predominantly been driven by diffusion models, which have demonstrated unparalleled success in generating high-fidelity, diverse images from textual prompts. Despite their success, diffusion models encounter substantial challenges in the domain of image editing, particularly in executing disentangled edits-changes that target specific attributes of an image while leaving irrelevant parts untouched. In contrast, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have been recognized for their success in disentangled edits through their interpretable latent spaces. We introduce GANTASTIC, a novel framework that takes existing directions from pre-trained GAN models-representative of specific, controllable attributes-and transfers these directions into diffusion-based models. This novel approach not only maintains the generative quality and diversity that diffusion models are known for but also significantly enhances their capability to perform precise, targeted image edits, thereby leveraging the best of both worlds.


著者 Yusuf Dalva,Hidir Yesiltepe,Pinar Yanardag
発行日 2024-03-28 17:55:16+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク