Dynamics of Moral Behavior in Heterogeneous Populations of Learning Agents


AI システムの安全性と調整に関する懸念の高まりは、人工エージェントに道徳的能力を組み込むことの重要性を浮き彫りにしています。
たとえば、さまざまな時点で、単一の学習エージェントは、結果主義者 (つまり、時間の経過とともに何らかの結果を最大化することに関心を持つ) または規範ベース (つまり、今ここで特定の規範に従うことに重点を置く) の敵に直面する可能性があります。


Growing concerns about safety and alignment of AI systems highlight the importance of embedding moral capabilities in artificial agents. A promising solution is the use of learning from experience, i.e., Reinforcement Learning. In multi-agent (social) environments, complex population-level phenomena may emerge from interactions between individual learning agents. Many of the existing studies rely on simulated social dilemma environments to study the interactions of independent learning agents. However, they tend to ignore the moral heterogeneity that is likely to be present in societies of agents in practice. For example, at different points in time a single learning agent may face opponents who are consequentialist (i.e., caring about maximizing some outcome over time) or norm-based (i.e., focusing on conforming to a specific norm here and now). The extent to which agents’ co-development may be impacted by such moral heterogeneity in populations is not well understood. In this paper, we present a study of the learning dynamics of morally heterogeneous populations interacting in a social dilemma setting. Using a Prisoner’s Dilemma environment with a partner selection mechanism, we investigate the extent to which the prevalence of diverse moral agents in populations affects individual agents’ learning behaviors and emergent population-level outcomes. We observe several types of non-trivial interactions between pro-social and anti-social agents, and find that certain classes of moral agents are able to steer selfish agents towards more cooperative behavior.


著者 Elizaveta Tennant,Stephen Hailes,Mirco Musolesi
発行日 2024-03-26 17:18:33+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CY, cs.LG, cs.MA パーマリンク