Cyclic pursuit formation control for arbitrary desired shapes


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A multi-agent system comprises numerous agents that autonomously make decisions to collectively accomplish tasks, drawing significant attention for their wide-ranging applications. Within this context, formation control emerges as a prominent task, wherein agents collaboratively shape and maneuver while preserving formation integrity. Our focus centers on cyclic pursuit, a method facilitating the formation of circles, ellipses, and figure-eights under the assumption that agents can only perceive the relative positions of those preceding them. However, this method’s scope has been restricted to these specific shapes, leaving the feasibility of forming other shapes uncertain. In response, our study proposes a novel method based on cyclic pursuit capable of forming a broader array of shapes, enabling agents to individually shape while pursuing preceding agents, thereby extending the repertoire of achievable formations. We present two scenarios concerning the information available to agents and devise formation control methods tailored to each scenario. Through extensive simulations, we demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed method in forming multiple shapes, including those represented as Fourier series, thereby underscoring the versatility and effectiveness of our approach.


著者 Anna Fujioka,Masaki Ogura,Naoki Wakamiya
発行日 2024-03-26 06:14:58+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO, cs.SY, eess.SY パーマリンク