Bayesian Nonparametrics Meets Data-Driven Robust Optimization


分布的にロバストな最適化の精神に基づいて、ベイズのノンパラメトリック (すなわち、ディリクレ過程) 理論とスムーズな曖昧さ回避選好の最近の意思決定理論モデルからの洞察を組み合わせることにより、新しいロバストな基準を提案します。
まず、Ridge 回帰と LASSO 回帰など、標準的な正規化された経験的リスク最小化手法との新しい関係を強調します。


Training machine learning and statistical models often involves optimizing a data-driven risk criterion. The risk is usually computed with respect to the empirical data distribution, but this may result in poor and unstable out-of-sample performance due to distributional uncertainty. In the spirit of distributionally robust optimization, we propose a novel robust criterion by combining insights from Bayesian nonparametric (i.e., Dirichlet Process) theory and recent decision-theoretic models of smooth ambiguity-averse preferences. First, we highlight novel connections with standard regularized empirical risk minimization techniques, among which Ridge and LASSO regressions. Then, we theoretically demonstrate the existence of favorable finite-sample and asymptotic statistical guarantees on the performance of the robust optimization procedure. For practical implementation, we propose and study tractable approximations of the criterion based on well-known Dirichlet Process representations. We also show that the smoothness of the criterion naturally leads to standard gradient-based numerical optimization. Finally, we provide insights into the workings of our method by applying it to high-dimensional sparse linear regression, binary classification, and robust location parameter estimation tasks.


著者 Nicola Bariletto,Nhat Ho
発行日 2024-03-19 16:46:42+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, stat.ML パーマリンク