Value of Assistance for Grasping


私たちは、特定の観察がロボットのタスクを完了する能力に及ぼす期待される影響を評価するための新しい支援価値 (VOA) 尺度を提供することで、この決定をサポートします。


In multiple realistic settings, a robot is tasked with grasping an object without knowing its exact pose and relies on a probabilistic estimation of the pose to decide how to attempt the grasp. We support settings in which it is possible to provide the robot with an observation of the object before a grasp is attempted but this possibility is limited and there is a need to decide which sensing action would be most beneficial. We support this decision by offering a novel Value of Assistance (VOA) measure for assessing the expected effect a specific observation will have on the robot’s ability to complete its task. We evaluate our suggested measure in simulated and real-world collaborative grasping settings.


著者 Mohammad Masarwy,Yuval Goshen,David Dovrat,Sarah Keren
発行日 2024-03-18 03:35:28+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.RO パーマリンク