Crystalformer: Infinitely Connected Attention for Periodic Structure Encoding


次に、Crystalformer と呼ばれる、結晶構造用のシンプルかつ効果的な Transformer ベースのエンコーダ アーキテクチャを提案します。
既存の Transformer ベースのモデルと比較して、提案されたモデルはパラメータ数の 29.4% のみを必要とし、元の Transformer アーキテクチャへの変更は最小限です。
アーキテクチャの単純さにも関わらず、提案された手法は、マテリアル プロジェクトおよび JARVIS-DFT データセットのさまざまなプロパティ回帰タスクに対して最先端の手法を上回ります。


Predicting physical properties of materials from their crystal structures is a fundamental problem in materials science. In peripheral areas such as the prediction of molecular properties, fully connected attention networks have been shown to be successful. However, unlike these finite atom arrangements, crystal structures are infinitely repeating, periodic arrangements of atoms, whose fully connected attention results in infinitely connected attention. In this work, we show that this infinitely connected attention can lead to a computationally tractable formulation, interpreted as neural potential summation, that performs infinite interatomic potential summations in a deeply learned feature space. We then propose a simple yet effective Transformer-based encoder architecture for crystal structures called Crystalformer. Compared to an existing Transformer-based model, the proposed model requires only 29.4% of the number of parameters, with minimal modifications to the original Transformer architecture. Despite the architectural simplicity, the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art methods for various property regression tasks on the Materials Project and JARVIS-DFT datasets.


著者 Tatsunori Taniai,Ryo Igarashi,Yuta Suzuki,Naoya Chiba,Kotaro Saito,Yoshitaka Ushiku,Kanta Ono
発行日 2024-03-18 11:37:42+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cond-mat.mtrl-sci, cs.LG, physics.comp-ph パーマリンク