Ergonomic Design of Computer Laboratory Furniture: Mismatch Analysis Utilizing Anthropometric Data of University Students


私たちは 380 人の参加者からデータを収集し、11 件の人体計測値を分析し、11 点の家具の寸法と関連付けました。
2 種類の家具、つまり、調節不可能なテーブルを備えた調節不能な椅子と、調節不可能なテーブルを備えた調節可能な椅子の 2 種類の家具が研究されました。
有意水準 5% の一元配置 ANOVA 検定でも、提案された家具の寸法と既存の家具の寸法の間に有意な差があることが示されました。


Many studies have shown how ergonomically designed furniture improves productivity and well-being. As computers have become a part of students’ academic lives, they will grow further in the future. We propose anthropometric-based furniture dimensions suitable for university students to improve computer laboratory ergonomics. We collected data from 380 participants and analyzed 11 anthropometric measurements, correlating them to 11 furniture dimensions. Two types of furniture were studied: a non-adjustable chair with a non-adjustable table and an adjustable chair with a non-adjustable table. The mismatch calculation showed a significant difference between furniture dimensions and anthropometric measurements. The one-way ANOVA test with a significance level of 5% also showed a significant difference between proposed and existing furniture dimensions. The proposed dimensions were found to be more compatible and reduced mismatch percentages for both males and females compared to existing furniture. The proposed dimensions of the furniture set with adjustable seat height showed slightly improved results compared to the non-adjustable furniture set. This suggests that the proposed dimensions can improve comfort levels and reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders among students. Further studies on the implementation and long-term effects of these proposed dimensions in real-world computer laboratory settings are recommended.


著者 Anik Kumar Saha,Md Abrar Jahin,Md. Rafiquzzaman,M. F. Mridha
発行日 2024-03-15 13:00:08+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.HC パーマリンク