Enhanced Coherence-Aware Network with Hierarchical Disentanglement for Aspect-Category Sentiment Analysis


アスペクトカテゴリーベースの感情分析 (ACSA) は、アスペクトカテゴリーを特定し、その感情を予測することを目的としており、NLP の応用範囲が広いため、集中的に研究されています。
この論文では、ACSA タスク用の階層的もつれ解除 (ECAN) を備えた強化されたコヒーレンス認識ネットワークを提案します。
広範な実験と視覚化の結果は、当社の ECAN が一貫性表現に絡み合った複数のカテゴリと感情を効果的に分離し、最先端 (SOTA) パフォーマンスを達成することを示しています。
私たちのコードとデータはオンラインで入手できます: \url{https://github.com/cuijin-23/ECAN}。


Aspect-category-based sentiment analysis (ACSA), which aims to identify aspect categories and predict their sentiments has been intensively studied due to its wide range of NLP applications. Most approaches mainly utilize intrasentential features. However, a review often includes multiple different aspect categories, and some of them do not explicitly appear in the review. Even in a sentence, there is more than one aspect category with its sentiments, and they are entangled intra-sentence, which makes the model fail to discriminately preserve all sentiment characteristics. In this paper, we propose an enhanced coherence-aware network with hierarchical disentanglement (ECAN) for ACSA tasks. Specifically, we explore coherence modeling to capture the contexts across the whole review and to help the implicit aspect and sentiment identification. To address the issue of multiple aspect categories and sentiment entanglement, we propose a hierarchical disentanglement module to extract distinct categories and sentiment features. Extensive experimental and visualization results show that our ECAN effectively decouples multiple categories and sentiments entangled in the coherence representations and achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance. Our codes and data are available online: \url{https://github.com/cuijin-23/ECAN}.


著者 Jin Cui,Fumiyo Fukumoto,Xinfeng Wang,Yoshimi Suzuki,Jiyi Li,Noriko Tomuro,Wanzeng Kong
発行日 2024-03-15 11:32:44+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク