Can Factual Statements be Deceptive? The DeFaBel Corpus of Belief-based Deception


信念に基づいた欺瞞と事実との関係を研究するために、信念に基づいた欺瞞に関するクラウドソースのリソースである DeFaBel コーパスを紹介します。
したがって、コーパス内の各インスタンスには、作成者の個人的な信念、発言の事実性、および意図された欺瞞性が注釈として付けられます (または暗黙的にラベル付けされます)。
DeFaBel コーパスには 1,031 個のドイツ語テキストが含まれており、そのうち 643 個は欺瞞的であり、388 個は欺瞞的ではありません。
DeFaBel コーパスは から入手できます。


If a person firmly believes in a non-factual statement, such as ‘The Earth is flat’, and argues in its favor, there is no inherent intention to deceive. As the argumentation stems from genuine belief, it may be unlikely to exhibit the linguistic properties associated with deception or lying. This interplay of factuality, personal belief, and intent to deceive remains an understudied area. Disentangling the influence of these variables in argumentation is crucial to gain a better understanding of the linguistic properties attributed to each of them. To study the relation between deception and factuality, based on belief, we present the DeFaBel corpus, a crowd-sourced resource of belief-based deception. To create this corpus, we devise a study in which participants are instructed to write arguments supporting statements like ‘eating watermelon seeds can cause indigestion’, regardless of its factual accuracy or their personal beliefs about the statement. In addition to the generation task, we ask them to disclose their belief about the statement. The collected instances are labelled as deceptive if the arguments are in contradiction to the participants’ personal beliefs. Each instance in the corpus is thus annotated (or implicitly labelled) with personal beliefs of the author, factuality of the statement, and the intended deceptiveness. The DeFaBel corpus contains 1031 texts in German, out of which 643 are deceptive and 388 are non-deceptive. It is the first publicly available corpus for studying deception in German. In our analysis, we find that people are more confident in the persuasiveness of their arguments when the statement is aligned with their belief, but surprisingly less confident when they are generating arguments in favor of facts. The DeFaBel corpus can be obtained from


著者 Aswathy Velutharambath,Amelie Wührl,Roman Klinger
発行日 2024-03-15 10:46:00+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク