RealCraft: Attention Control as A Tool for Zero-Shot Consistent Video Editing


この論文では、ゼロショット現実世界のビデオ編集のための注意制御ベースの手法である RealCraft を提案します。
提案されているゼロショット アテンション コントロール ベースの手法をさまざまなビデオにわたって紹介し、最大 64 フレームのビデオで形状に合わせた時間一貫性のあるパラメータフリーの編集を実証します。


Even though large-scale text-to-image generative models show promising performance in synthesizing high-quality images, applying these models directly to image editing remains a significant challenge. This challenge is further amplified in video editing due to the additional dimension of time. This is especially the case for editing real-world videos as it necessitates maintaining a stable structural layout across frames while executing localized edits without disrupting the existing content. In this paper, we propose RealCraft, an attention-control-based method for zero-shot real-world video editing. By swapping cross-attention for new feature injection and relaxing spatial-temporal attention of the editing object, we achieve localized shape-wise edit along with enhanced temporal consistency. Our model directly uses Stable Diffusion and operates without the need for additional information. We showcase the proposed zero-shot attention-control-based method across a range of videos, demonstrating shape-wise, time-consistent and parameter-free editing in videos of up to 64 frames.


著者 Shutong Jin,Ruiyu Wang,Florian T. Pokorny
発行日 2024-03-08 14:57:48+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク