Redefining cystoscopy with ai: bladder cancer diagnosis using an efficient hybrid cnn-transformer model


膀胱がんは、世界中で診断数の多いがんのトップ 10 にランクされており、再発率が高く生涯追跡調査が必要なため、治療費が最も高額ながんの 1 つです。
これに対処するために、CNN と位置エンコーディングのない軽量のトランスフォーマー、および機能強化のために自己注意と空間注意を融合するデュアル アテンション ゲートを組み合わせた、膀胱がんの検出とセグメンテーションのための深層学習アプローチを提案します。


Bladder cancer ranks within the top 10 most diagnosed cancers worldwide and is among the most expensive cancers to treat due to the high recurrence rates which require lifetime follow-ups. The primary tool for diagnosis is cystoscopy, which heavily relies on doctors’ expertise and interpretation. Therefore, annually, numerous cases are either undiagnosed or misdiagnosed and treated as urinary infections. To address this, we suggest a deep learning approach for bladder cancer detection and segmentation which combines CNNs with a lightweight positional-encoding-free transformer and dual attention gates that fuse self and spatial attention for feature enhancement. The architecture suggested in this paper is efficient making it suitable for medical scenarios that require real time inference. Experiments have proven that this model addresses the critical need for a balance between computational efficiency and diagnostic accuracy in cystoscopic imaging as despite its small size it rivals large models in performance.


著者 Meryem Amaouche,Ouassim Karrakchou,Mounir Ghogho,Anouar El Ghazzaly,Mohamed Alami,Ahmed Ameur
発行日 2024-03-06 17:38:33+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV パーマリンク