Are Language Models Puzzle Prodigies? Algorithmic Puzzles Unveil Serious Challenges in Multimodal Reasoning


視覚的理解、言語理解、および複雑なアルゴリズム推論の両方を必要とするアルゴリズム パズルを解く際に、マルチモーダル言語モデルの機能に挑戦し、評価するように設計された新しいデータセット AlgoPuzzleVQA を紹介します。
私たちの調査により、GPT4V や Gemini などの大規模言語モデル (LLM) は、パズルを解くタスクにおいて限られたパフォーマンスしか示さないことが明らかになりました。


This paper introduces the novel task of multimodal puzzle solving, framed within the context of visual question-answering. We present a new dataset, AlgoPuzzleVQA designed to challenge and evaluate the capabilities of multimodal language models in solving algorithmic puzzles that necessitate both visual understanding, language understanding, and complex algorithmic reasoning. We create the puzzles to encompass a diverse array of mathematical and algorithmic topics such as boolean logic, combinatorics, graph theory, optimization, search, etc., aiming to evaluate the gap between visual data interpretation and algorithmic problem-solving skills. The dataset is generated automatically from code authored by humans. All our puzzles have exact solutions that can be found from the algorithm without tedious human calculations. It ensures that our dataset can be scaled up arbitrarily in terms of reasoning complexity and dataset size. Our investigation reveals that large language models (LLMs) such as GPT4V and Gemini exhibit limited performance in puzzle-solving tasks. We find that their performance is near random in a multi-choice question-answering setup for a significant number of puzzles. The findings emphasize the challenges of integrating visual, language, and algorithmic knowledge for solving complex reasoning problems.


著者 Deepanway Ghosal,Vernon Toh Yan Han,Chia Yew Ken,Soujanya Poria
発行日 2024-03-06 17:15:04+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV パーマリンク