Active Information Gathering for Long-Horizon Navigation Under Uncertainty by Learning the Value of Information


2 つのシミュレートされたオフィスのような環境全体で、当社のプランナーは、競合する学習済みベースライン ナビゲーション戦略と学習していないベースライン ナビゲーション戦略を上回り、最大 63.76% および 36.68% の改善を達成し、パフォーマンスに重要な情報を積極的に検索する能力を実証しました。


We address the task of long-horizon navigation in partially mapped environments for which active gathering of information about faraway unseen space is essential for good behavior. We present a novel planning strategy that, at training time, affords tractable computation of the value of information associated with revealing potentially informative regions of unseen space, data used to train a graph neural network to predict the goodness of temporally-extended exploratory actions. Our learning-augmented model-based planning approach predicts the expected value of information of revealing unseen space and is capable of using these predictions to actively seek information and so improve long-horizon navigation. Across two simulated office-like environments, our planner outperforms competitive learned and non-learned baseline navigation strategies, achieving improvements of up to 63.76% and 36.68%, demonstrating its capacity to actively seek performance-critical information.


著者 Raihan Islam Arnob,Gregory J. Stein
発行日 2024-03-05 19:10:18+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク