A Good Feature Extractor Is All You Need for Weakly Supervised Pathology Slide Classification


この目的を達成するために、9 つのタスク、5 つのデータセット、3 つのダウンストリーム アーキテクチャ、およびさまざまな前処理セットアップにわたる 8,000 回を超えるトレーニング実行を含む、これまでに公開されている病理特徴抽出ツールの最も包括的な評価を実行しました。
特に、染色正規化と画像拡張を省略しても、下流のスライド レベルの分類パフォーマンスが損なわれず、メモリと計算量が大幅に節約されることがわかりました。
コードとデータは https://georg.woelflein.eu/good-features で入手できます。


Stain normalisation is thought to be a crucial preprocessing step in computational pathology pipelines. We question this belief in the context of weakly supervised whole slide image classification, motivated by the emergence of powerful feature extractors trained using self-supervised learning on diverse pathology datasets. To this end, we performed the most comprehensive evaluation of publicly available pathology feature extractors to date, involving more than 8,000 training runs across nine tasks, five datasets, three downstream architectures, and various preprocessing setups. Notably, we find that omitting stain normalisation and image augmentations does not compromise downstream slide-level classification performance, while incurring substantial savings in memory and compute. Using a new evaluation metric that facilitates relative downstream performance comparison, we identify the best publicly available extractors, and show that their latent spaces are remarkably robust to variations in stain and augmentations like rotation. Contrary to previous patch-level benchmarking studies, our approach emphasises clinical relevance by focusing on slide-level biomarker prediction tasks in a weakly supervised setting with external validation cohorts. Our findings stand to streamline digital pathology workflows by minimising preprocessing needs and informing the selection of feature extractors. Code and data are available at https://georg.woelflein.eu/good-features.


著者 Georg Wölflein,Dyke Ferber,Asier Rabasco Meneghetti,Omar S. M. El Nahhas,Daniel Truhn,Zunamys I. Carrero,David J. Harrison,Ognjen Arandjelović,Jakob N. Kather
発行日 2024-03-05 17:56:20+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.LG パーマリンク