Knowledge Accumulation in Continually Learned Representations and the Issue of Feature Forgetting


継続的な学習の研究では、ニューラル ネットワークが「出力レベルで」壊滅的な忘却に悩まされることが示されていますが、これが学習された表現のレベルでも当てはまるかどうかは議論されています。
この忘却の違いを明らかにした実験を再検討して拡張し、継続的に学習される表現の品質に影響を与える 2 つの現象、つまり知識の蓄積と特徴の忘却が共存することを説明します。


Continual learning research has shown that neural networks suffer from catastrophic forgetting ‘at the output level’, but it is debated whether this is also the case at the level of learned representations. Multiple recent studies ascribe representations a certain level of innate robustness against forgetting – that they only forget minimally and no critical information. We revisit and expand upon the experiments that revealed this difference in forgetting and illustrate the coexistence of two phenomena that affect the quality of continually learned representations: knowledge accumulation and feature forgetting. Carefully taking both aspects into account, we show that, even though it is true that feature forgetting can be small in absolute terms, newly learned information tends to be forgotten just as catastrophically at the level of the representation as it is at the output level. Next we show that this feature forgetting is problematic as it substantially slows down knowledge accumulation. Finally, we study how feature forgetting and knowledge accumulation are affected by different types of continual learning methods.


著者 Timm Hess,Eli Verwimp,Gido M. van de Ven,Tinne Tuytelaars
発行日 2024-02-29 15:04:41+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.LG パーマリンク