Right on Time: Revising Time Series Models by Constraining their Explanations


実際の機械生産ラインから新しく記録された、P2S という名前の自然に混乱したデータセットは、これを強調しています。
時系列データの交絡因子を軽減するという困難な問題に取り組むために、Right on Time (RioT) を導入します。
私たちは、RioT が P2S および一般的な時系列分類および予測データセットにおいて、モデルを効果的に誤った理由から遠ざけることができることを経験的に示しています。


The reliability of deep time series models is often compromised by their tendency to rely on confounding factors, which may lead to misleading results. Our newly recorded, naturally confounded dataset named P2S from a real mechanical production line emphasizes this. To tackle the challenging problem of mitigating confounders in time series data, we introduce Right on Time (RioT). Our method enables interactions with model explanations across both the time and frequency domain. Feedback on explanations in both domains is then used to constrain the model, steering it away from the annotated confounding factors. The dual-domain interaction strategy is crucial for effectively addressing confounders in time series datasets. We empirically demonstrate that RioT can effectively guide models away from the wrong reasons in P2S as well as popular time series classification and forecasting datasets.


著者 Maurice Kraus,David Steinmann,Antonia Wüst,Andre Kokozinski,Kristian Kersting
発行日 2024-02-28 14:36:32+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG パーマリンク