Equivalent Environments and Covering Spaces for Robots


この論文では、センシングおよび作動コンポーネントを含むロボット システムを、一般的なトポロジカルな動的システムとして正式に定義します。
重要な特殊なケースは、センサー マッピングが環境のローカル トポロジー (メトリック) 構造の不変式を報告する場合です。これは、そのような構造が (メトリック) カバー マップによって保存されるためです。


This paper formally defines a robot system, including its sensing and actuation components, as a general, topological dynamical system. The focus is on determining general conditions under which various environments in which the robot can be placed are indistinguishable. A key result is that, under very general conditions, covering maps witness such indistinguishability. This formalizes the intuition behind the well studied loop closure problem in robotics. An important special case is where the sensor mapping reports an invariant of the local topological (metric) structure of an environment because such structure is preserved by (metric) covering maps. Whereas coverings provide a sufficient condition for the equivalence of environments, we also give a necessary condition using bisimulation. The overall framework is applied to unify previously identified phenomena in robotics and related fields, in which moving agents with sensors must make inferences about their environments based on limited data. Many open problems are identified.


著者 Vadim K. Weinstein,Steven M. LaValle
発行日 2024-02-28 13:38:27+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO, math.DS, math.GN, math.GT パーマリンク