Enhancing Roadway Safety: LiDAR-based Tree Clearance Analysis


ここで、3 次元の視点を明らかにするレーザー スキャン センサーである LiDAR テクノロジーが活躍します。
これまでのところ、街頭レベルの LiDAR 点群は主に自動運転分野のアプリケーションに使用されてきました。
当社のシステムは、セマンティック セグメンテーションを使用して関連ポイントと下流の処理ステップをフィルタリングし、道路上に空きを保つために必要なボリュームを作成します。
課題には、隠れた道路区間、LiDAR 点群のノイズが多く構造化されていない性質、道路形状の評価などが含まれます。
私たちのオープンソース コードは、プロセス自体を自動化する方法についてコミュニティにインスピレーションを与えます。


In the efforts for safer roads, ensuring adequate vertical clearance above roadways is of great importance. Frequently, trees or other vegetation is growing above the roads, blocking the sight of traffic signs and lights and posing danger to traffic participants. Accurately estimating this space from simple images proves challenging due to a lack of depth information. This is where LiDAR technology comes into play, a laser scanning sensor that reveals a three-dimensional perspective. Thus far, LiDAR point clouds at the street level have mainly been used for applications in the field of autonomous driving. These scans, however, also open up possibilities in urban management. In this paper, we present a new point cloud algorithm that can automatically detect those parts of the trees that grow over the street and need to be trimmed. Our system uses semantic segmentation to filter relevant points and downstream processing steps to create the required volume to be kept clear above the road. Challenges include obscured stretches of road, the noisy unstructured nature of LiDAR point clouds, and the assessment of the road shape. The identified points of non-compliant trees can be projected from the point cloud onto images, providing municipalities with a visual aid for dealing with such occurrences. By automating this process, municipalities can address potential road space constraints, enhancing safety for all. They may also save valuable time by carrying out the inspections more systematically. Our open-source code gives communities inspiration on how to automate the process themselves.


著者 Miriam Louise Carnot,Eric Peukert,Bogdan Franczyk
発行日 2024-02-28 13:08:46+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CG, cs.CV パーマリンク