Confidence-Aware Multi-Field Model Calibration


クリックやコンバージョンなどのユーザー フィードバックの確率を正確に予測することは、広告のランキングと入札にとって重要です。
また、単一フィールドのデータ スパース性の影響を軽減するための重要性を認識した上で、共同モデル キャリブレーションに複数の特徴フィールドを利用します。


Accurately predicting the probabilities of user feedback, such as clicks and conversions, is critical for ad ranking and bidding. However, there often exist unwanted mismatches between predicted probabilities and true likelihoods due to the shift of data distributions and intrinsic model biases. Calibration aims to address this issue by post-processing model predictions, and field-aware calibration can adjust model output on different feature field values to satisfy fine-grained advertising demands. Unfortunately, the observed samples corresponding to certain field values can be too limited to make confident calibrations, which may yield bias amplification and online disturbance. In this paper, we propose a confidence-aware multi-field calibration method, which adaptively adjusts the calibration intensity based on the confidence levels derived from sample statistics. It also utilizes multiple feature fields for joint model calibration with awareness of their importance to mitigate the data sparsity effect of a single field. Extensive offline and online experiments show the superiority of our method in boosting advertising performance and reducing prediction deviations.


著者 Yuang Zhao,Chuhan Wu,Qinglin Jia,Hong Zhu,Jia Yan,Libin Zong,Linxuan Zhang,Zhenhua Dong,Muyu Zhang
発行日 2024-02-27 16:24:28+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG パーマリンク