Uncertainty Quantification in Anomaly Detection with Cross-Conformal $p$-Values


これに関連して、これらのシステムの統計力 ($1-\beta$) を損なうことなくタイプ I エラー率 ($\alpha$) を効果的に制御することで、特にフォローアップ手順に費用がかかる場合に、信頼を構築し、誤った発見に関連するコストを削減できます。

等角予測からの洞察に基づいて、クロスコンフォーマル $p$ 値を計算するための導出方法が、不確実性を定量化した異常検出における統計的効率 (完全等角) と計算効率 (分割等角) の間の実際的な妥協点に達していることを実証します。
ベンチマーク データセット。


Given the growing significance of reliable, trustworthy, and explainable machine learning, the requirement of uncertainty quantification for anomaly detection systems has become increasingly important. In this context, effectively controlling Type I error rates ($\alpha$) without compromising the statistical power ($1-\beta$) of these systems can build trust and reduce costs related to false discoveries, particularly when follow-up procedures are expensive. Leveraging the principles of conformal prediction emerges as a promising approach for providing respective statistical guarantees by calibrating a model’s uncertainty. This work introduces a novel framework for anomaly detection, termed cross-conformal anomaly detection, building upon well-known cross-conformal methods designed for prediction tasks. With that, it addresses a natural research gap by extending previous works in the context of inductive conformal anomaly detection, relying on the split-conformal approach for model calibration. Drawing on insights from conformal prediction, we demonstrate that the derived methods for calculating cross-conformal $p$-values strike a practical compromise between statistical efficiency (full-conformal) and computational efficiency (split-conformal) for uncertainty-quantified anomaly detection on benchmark datasets.


著者 Oliver Hennhöfer,Christine Preisach
発行日 2024-02-26 08:22:40+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, stat.ML パーマリンク