Hierarchical Invariance for Robust and Interpretable Vision Tasks at Larger Scales


理論レベルでは、畳み込みニューラル ネットワーク (CNN) のような階層アーキテクチャを使用して、完全に解釈可能な方法で過完全な不変式を構築する方法を示します。
タスクは、Neural Architecture Search (NAS) のような方法で適応的に形成できます。
さらに、アプリケーション レベルでは、私たちの表現は、敵対的な摂動や人工知能生成コンテンツ (AIGC) に関する現実世界のフォレンジック タスクで調査されます。
大規模な堅牢で解釈可能な視覚タスクの場合、階層的不変式表現は、従来の CNN や不変式に代わる効果的な代替手段と考えることができます。


Developing robust and interpretable vision systems is a crucial step towards trustworthy artificial intelligence. In this regard, a promising paradigm considers embedding task-required invariant structures, e.g., geometric invariance, in the fundamental image representation. However, such invariant representations typically exhibit limited discriminability, limiting their applications in larger-scale trustworthy vision tasks. For this open problem, we conduct a systematic investigation of hierarchical invariance, exploring this topic from theoretical, practical, and application perspectives. At the theoretical level, we show how to construct over-complete invariants with a Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)-like hierarchical architecture yet in a fully interpretable manner. The general blueprint, specific definitions, invariant properties, and numerical implementations are provided. At the practical level, we discuss how to customize this theoretical framework into a given task. With the over-completeness, discriminative features w.r.t. the task can be adaptively formed in a Neural Architecture Search (NAS)-like manner. We demonstrate the above arguments with accuracy, invariance, and efficiency results on texture, digit, and parasite classification experiments. Furthermore, at the application level, our representations are explored in real-world forensics tasks on adversarial perturbations and Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC). Such applications reveal that the proposed strategy not only realizes the theoretically promised invariance, but also exhibits competitive discriminability even in the era of deep learning. For robust and interpretable vision tasks at larger scales, hierarchical invariant representation can be considered as an effective alternative to traditional CNN and invariants.


著者 Shuren Qi,Yushu Zhang,Chao Wang,Zhihua Xia,Jian Weng,Xiaochun Cao
発行日 2024-02-23 16:50:07+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.LG パーマリンク