Learning Quadruped Locomotion Policies using Logical Rules


足の接触による高レベルの歩行仕様に Reward Machines~(RM) を活用する私たちのアプローチは、RM ベースの歩行学習~(RMLL) と呼ばれ、実行時の歩行頻度の調整をサポートします。
歩容の指定は、歩容ごとにいくつかの論理ルール (前足と後ろ足を交互に動かすなど) を使用することで可能になり、労力を要する事前の動作を必要としません。
シミュレーションでの実験結果は、学習された歩容の多様性 (2 つの新しい歩容を含む)、異なる地形でのエネルギー消費と安定性、ベースラインと比較した場合の優れたサンプル効率を強調しています。
ビデオと補足資料: https://sites.google.com/view/rm-locomotion-learning/home


Quadruped animals are capable of exhibiting a diverse range of locomotion gaits. While progress has been made in demonstrating such gaits on robots, current methods rely on motion priors, dynamics models, or other forms of extensive manual efforts. People can use natural language to describe dance moves. Could one use a formal language to specify quadruped gaits? To this end, we aim to enable easy gait specification and efficient policy learning. Leveraging Reward Machines~(RMs) for high-level gait specification over foot contacts, our approach is called RM-based Locomotion Learning~(RMLL), and supports adjusting gait frequency at execution time. Gait specification is enabled through the use of a few logical rules per gait (e.g., alternate between moving front feet and back feet) and does not require labor-intensive motion priors. Experimental results in simulation highlight the diversity of learned gaits (including two novel gaits), their energy consumption and stability across different terrains, and the superior sample-efficiency when compared to baselines. We also demonstrate these learned policies with a real quadruped robot. Video and supplementary materials: https://sites.google.com/view/rm-locomotion-learning/home


著者 David DeFazio,Yohei Hayamizu,Shiqi Zhang
発行日 2024-02-22 15:36:44+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.RO パーマリンク